Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Language of Love

My prayer time is always at it's best when I am at my worst.  When life is hard, pain is constant (I started radiation yesterday). and I can't help myself by using my own resources, I turn to God.  Prayer just flows out naturally at these times.  It is like an involuntary reflex, and seems to come from the deepest part of my soul. 

Author Eugene Peterson wrote:

"The language of prayer is forged in the crucible of trouble.  When we can't help ourselves and call for help, when we don't like where we are and want out, when we don't like who we are and want a change, we use primal language, and this language becomes the root language of prayer."

Talking to God does not require a special prayer, or a special place.  You can be anywhere and talk to God, and it can be done in your own language.  In the same way, God can talk to you through various means, and when we get used to His voice and special language, it gets easier to hear what He wants you to do.

I am reading a really great book called Love Does by Bob Goff.  He shares his faith and life lessons through various  experiences he as had in life.  One chapter is about his wife taking him to have his hearing checked because she thinks he has a problem.  Turns out he has selective hearing. (LOL) and turns it into a lesson for everyone on how we have selective hearing when it comes to God.

We hear the things we want to hear from God, and we also expect to hear it in an audible voice.  Most people do not hear a voice, and many don't get an answer because they don't recognize that tug or urge deep inside that may be God's prompting.  God's voice can be heard when you understand his character and nature.  When you know God loves you and forgives you, and you see love in the world, then God's truths move you into a certain direction.

"...most of us don't get an audible plan for our lives.  It's way better than that.  We get to be God's plan for the whole world by pointing people toward him."  - Bob Goff

God has His own language of love, and we hear it the most when we take time to pray and forge a relationship with Him.
