If there is meaning to this life, then why do our days seem so random? What is this drama we've been dropped into the middle of ? If there is a God, what sort of story is he telling here? At some point we begin to wonder if Macbeth wasn't right after all: Is life a tale "told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"?
No wonder we keep losing heart.
We find ourselves in the middle of a story that is sometimes wonderful, sometimes awful, often a confusing mixture of both, and we haven't a clue how to make sense of it all. It's like we're holding in our hands some pages torn out of a book. These pages are the days of our lives. Fragments of a story. They seem important, or at least we long to know they are, but what does it all mean? If only we could find the book that contains the rest of the story. - John Eldredge
I thought this daily writing by John Eldredge really painted a perfect picture as to how many people feel. If you think you are alone in wondering what it all means and questioning your role in this crazy life, then take comfort to know that even grounded Christians have their days.
Lately, I have been struggling with pain that keeps me from getting a full night's sleep. I feel as if I have not been pain free since mid 2012, so I am getting weary of this struggle. I find myself asking God, "what does this mean? What do you want? How does my physical pain play a role in your bigger picture?"
Fortunately, at the forefront of my mind, I have the knowledge gained by reading God's Word which tells me that God leaves nothing to chance and has a purpose in all things. Though I don't always understand what that plan is, I have the full book (no ripped out pages) that tells me God will overcome pain, sorrow, rejection, brokenness, and cancer. He will be the victor, and my life matters in His master plan when I allow Him to do His work through me.
It may not help with the pain at this moment, but mentally it helps to know that God loves me and cares that I am in pain. He would heal it in a second, if it was the best thing for me. Sometimes pain points us into a different direction of treatment, or action, or thought.
If you are weary today, take it to God and know that it will not come back empty. Seek God's will, and he will give you direction and strength to weather the storm.