I feel like the plagues of Egypt (in Exodus) are on our house! Sometimes it is so overwhelming it causes me to laugh (through my tears) because I wonder what is next!
My new chemotherapy drug (Afinitor) did not cause nausea (which I feared the most) but it has caused mouth sores (which was line three of side effects for the drug). These are not just little sores. They are huge canker sores all over my mouth/tongue. I can't talk (kids are happy), and can't kiss (Jon not happy), I can't eat (Sandy really not happy).
I was joking with Jon about the plagues of Egypt and my sores (it was boils for the Egyptians). We laughed because one plague was frogs, which we hear all the time. Another one is flies, which Stormy (the cat) has enjoyed chasing lately. Another is lucusts, which is really scary because I have seen a few of those big brown guys in my rose bushes!
I was unable to go to church this morning because of the pain and discomfort I am in, so I turned on the television to watch a Sunday worship program. I ran across the beginning of Joel Osteen, and he caught my attention. I know some people don't agree with Joel's prosperity message, but there is some truth in what Joel is saying, and he spoke to me this morning.
He talked about how we need to stop begging God (I have been a beggar lately) and start praising Him that the things we have asked for are on their way. Now, that does not mean the things we ask for are coming in the pretty package that we expect them to be in, but an answer is coming if we are confident in God's promises.
He gave a great example that hit close to home for us. He said that when he got his older son a used car at the age of 17, his younger daughter asked him if she gets a car at the same age. Joel told her that she does, which made her very happy. Since that conversation his daughter has never asked again if her Dad is getting her a car. She trusts that when her father promises something, he will follow through, but she has to wait and anticipate the day when she is 17. She does not continue to beg for the car. She just praises the fact that the car will be hers when the time is right.
This hit me on several levels. First, we are looking for a used car for Rachel at the moment. Second, is healing of cancer and it's effects. I have to admit that I can get a little worked up sometimes and get into the begging mode of when God will take away this affliction from me. I have certainly begged in the past four days.
I need to change my begging into thanksgiving. I know that God will provide, he has never let me down before. The healing of these sores is coming. This will be a bad memory by the end of this week. The answer to my prayer of complete healing is coming, but God's timing is not mine. I need to just wait with anticipation and excitement, and know that God has heard me and will answer all things according to His will and purpose. I am thankful that I am part of God's amazing, life building, life changing global plan!
We get our examples straight from the Bible. Daniel prayed for 21 days, and when the archangel Micheal arrived, he told Daniel his prayer was heard on the first day he prayed. Micheal, was sent that very moment to battle the prince of darkness, which took 21 days. Elijah had a similar experience on waiting for an answer from God and being told by an angel that it took time for the answer to arrive.
When you are tempted to fall into depression, remember that praise makes your faith stronger! Trust that God is sending your answer; it is on the way.