Sunday, September 26, 2010

24 Years and Counting

September 27 is a special day for Jon and I! We celebrate our 24th anniversary this year! We spent the weekend in Laguna, thanks to a wonderful surprise that Jon had set up for me. We enjoyed a delicious dinner, a movie, and a great stroll on the beach.

Twenty four years ago we had no idea what we were really getting into. We said our vows and never gave the "sickness" part of what we were saying much thought. That part is for fifty years later when we are old and feeble. Sure we will take care of each other!

I suppose our first health crisis came when I miscarried before Rachel, and four times afterward. The second health crisis was Jon's accident and long recovery. Now we face a crisis of great magnitude, like none we ever could have imagined. Cancer. It still seems unreal when we really stop and examine our life and what has happened.

When Dr. Bill Tipton married us, he told how God, Jon and myself were like a rope. The rope would not be strong enough to stay together without all three parts of the rope intertwined. I think about that statement today because Dr. Bill was right. We have kept our promise to God, and He has guided us, blessed us, carried us, grieved with us. Jon and I are strong because of our relationship with Christ.

We may not have known what was ahead 24 years ago, but it would not have changed anything. We made those vows and fully intended on keeping them. Our blessings outnumber the pain. There was never a question on what we would both do for each other. We knew in our hearts then, like we know now, that whatever comes our way, we will face it together. We are strong because of the love that God has given us.

Bless be the tie that binds our hearts in perfect love...

I love you Jon!
Thank you for taking care of me, for providing for our family, and for being the spiritual leader that brings us all together each night for prayer before bed. You are an awesome father, a great friend and encourager to others, and a magnificent husband.
Love Forever,