Sunday, August 1, 2010

Seeing God's Country

We just got back from a two week vacation in our motor home!

We traveled to Sequoia National Park and was in awe of the size of those amazing trees. We took a day trip to Kings Canyon and got to take a dip in the freezing pool of water below Grizzly Falls. We headed to Yosemite next and rode our bikes all around the valley floor. Our highlight was river rafting on the Merced River in class 2,3,4 rapids.

We stopped to visit some special people in our life in Grass Valley. Steve and Linda McCullough and their daughter Vicki's family hosted a dinner and a great day on a local lake where we kayaked. We also visited Jon's Godmother in Chico. His Godfather passed away before we could get there.

We headed up to Shasta Lake and enjoyed seeing Shasta Caverns with their Stalagmites and Stalactites. We took a day trip to Burney Falls, which is amazing.

We ended our trip in Sacramento and toured Sutter's Fort and our Capitol Building (did not get to see Arnold). We also visited our dear friend, Cathye Tipton (Dr. Bill was in Hawaii). There was a time when I aspired to marry a minister because I wanted to be like Cathye.

Let's cut to the good stuff! What is it like traveling in a 32 foot home with a teenager and a 10 year old? Let's just say we came home a day early due to "friend" withdrawals. I know my parents will be laughing at this, because we can all recall the infamous summer of 1981 when they took my brother and I on a trip to the Grand Canyon and I made their life miserable wondering what my friends were doing back home. They came back early from that trip because of me! Fortunately, we have Facebook and texting to keep our darling teen sane. When we got reception, her phone would go crazy!!

Actually, she was not even close to being as bad as I was! Traveling together was truly a gift, and we had lots of fun! You always have a few moments where someone is cranky, but that will not be what we remember from this fabulous trip.

One of the things that impressed me the most on this trip was learning about the Sequoias. These giants are thousands of years old, and God made them fire retardant! These trees do not burn easily, and so you will often see a burned side (usually the side that is on the upper part of slope where debris has rolled down), but eventually the Sequoia will heal itself.

I like to think that when we give our heart to God, He makes us fire retardant. We inherit His promises, and one of those promises is that He will walk through the fire with us and not let it consume us. (Isaiah 43:1,2). In the book of Daniel there is a beautiful story about three men who are thrown in a fiery furnace because of their faith in God and unwillingness to bow to the King. God did not let the fire consume them, and the King that threw them in declared, "no other God can save in this way."

If you are someone who is feeling like fire is all around you, remember that God promises to walk through your circumstance with you and lead you to safer ground. Sometimes you may feel alone, but if you are a child of God, He is working on your behalf.
