Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Fresh Start

Today is the last day of summer for our family. The girls go back to school tomorrow. Michelle starts her final year of elementary school. After ten years of being at Oak Mesa, we now begin the year of doing things for the last time. Rachel starts high school and talks endlessly about friends, classes, and her social activities. It is an exciting time, but sad for Jon and I when we look back and see how fast time has gone. Before we know it, we will be looking at colleges and getting ready to send her off into the world. This is the beginning of starting to prepare her (and us) for letting go.

Wow! I'm really depressed now!

It has been a great three months filled with family, friends, and fun. The best part of my summer is that I was off chemo and could enjoy being with my family. Every day I lived the gift that God gave me before the summer began, and I made good use of that gift! I had tests done last week and will get the results back on 8/31. I am hoping that my achy joints and very tender back are a result of the medication and my having too much fun. I would be so grateful if you would bend God's ear a little on making these tests favorable so that I can keep enjoying this freedom from weekly chemo.

Fresh starts are always good. It feels good to have new shoes, new backpacks, new notebooks. When September rolls around, I always feel the need to do some deep cleaning of the house. I clean the pantry and tell myself that I won't let it get that bad this time around. It is good to be hopeful!

I am always glad to have the benefit of fresh starts with my relationship with God. In the summer I get a bit lazy in the morning and sometimes I rush through our conversations. I look forward to a new schedule and a fresh start with Him as well. Did you know that some of the fake Gods that are worshipped around the world are not forgiving? I need a God that forgives and is slow to anger. My relationship with God is like (but better) a good friend who you don't talk to for a long time and then you pick up a conversation as if no time had ever passed. That is our relationship. He knows my heart. I most definitely don't let more than a day go without making a connection with God. He is truly my lifeline and my biggest support. Everything I enjoy I owe to His love for me.

"Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit. Why will you die, O house of Israel?" (Ezekiel 18:31)

As I read through the Bible, I am reminded of all the fresh starts the Israelites were given by God. This is how we know that God is ready to forgive us when we turn to Him with repentant hearts. We can study His relationship with a group of people that consistently fell away and was enticed by false idols. Yet, when they realized their error, God was forgiving and gracious to them. I read these things and say to myself, "why didn't THEY learn their lesson!" But, if I look at my own life, I do the same things. Sadly, we all have a sinful nature. I sometimes get in a situation where I should have kept my mouth shut. Later, I beat myself up and say, "don't you ever learn?"

Forgiveness and repentance are a huge part of our relationship with Christ. We all fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Because we have this sinful nature, we need to sometimes ask God to reveal those hidden sins so that we can deal with them before the consequences are more serious. Jesus died to wipe our slate clean and make us heirs of the riches of God. Was it worth it for Him? Jesus would say, "YES!" when we come to Him and seek His forgiveness.

"For the wages of sin are death, but the gift of God is eternal life." (Romans 6:23)

If you are one that needs a fresh start, you might want to start with a renewed relationship with God. On Monday morning after the kids are off to school, I will be starting a new morning routine with God at the center. I am looking forward to talking (confession and prayer), listening(quiet), and praising (walk with Ipod).

Dear God,
I don't want my heart to ever wander away from you. Fill me with your love, and help me to not have any hard heartedness in me. Help me to recognize my sin so I can confess and be made clean. I don't want to live with regret over my words, thoughts, or actions. Thank you for fresh starts and your amazing kindness that is better than life. Amen
