Friday, July 16, 2010

When Your Heart is Overwhelmed

First, I want to tell you that I am doing better than great. Many of you have asked, and you have seen me sporting my short hair. God is good, and his timing was perfect for a chemo free summer with my family and enough hair to not wear a hot wig! A day does not go by that I don't thank God from the depth of my soul for healing me of the cancer that threatened my liver and would have tied me to chemo for the rest of my life. Currently, I am taking a daily chemo pill and going in once a month for an infusion to strengthen my bones. I am very, very grateful for your continued prayers during this time of rest.

Many of you know that every summer I write about Glenkirk's Vacation Bible School. This week we have had over 1,000 on the campus celebrating the love of Jesus. It is so awesome to hear the kids and counselors praising God through song as they pack out the church sanctuary!! Please pray the God's love, and the sacrifice that Jesus made, will penetrate their hearts long after this week is over.

In the midst of all of this good stuff, there have been some sad moments this week that I want to share. Many of you remember a posting I did on Daisy Love back in September 2009. I posted a video of Britt Love preaching a sermon the Sunday after finding out his daughter, Daisy, was diagnosed with stage 3 Wilm's Tumor. Daisy completed chemo and radiation in April, and was said to be disease free. I just found out that they found another tumor in her this week, and it looks worse than the first one. I don't know Daisy, or her family, but my heart grieves for this family who has been such a testimony for Christ through this horrible ordeal.

Is your heart overwhelmed with grief, fear, loneliness or anger at a situation that does not seem fair? As I said, Britt Love preached a sermon just days after finding our about the first tumor. This is a sermon that everyone should listen to! You can find it on their website and click on "When My Heart is Overwhelmed" on the right side and watch the video.

Glenkirk recently lost a mighty soldier for Christ to a brain tumor. Steven Snook always had a fabulous smile on his face, even when he was not feeling well. He was a staple in the Children's Ministry Wing, with his wife Suzan. The elementary kids loved Steven and Suzan, and they have been instrumental in changing kid's lives through their dedication and service to the Lord. Steven had the peace that can only be given by God. Through Steven's struggle, many saw the love of Jesus and the strength that comes from loving him. I know where Steven is now, but I also know that Suzan misses him greatly.

I think Daisy and Steven can make us wonder where God is in these circumstances. We have two families serving him in powerful ways. It seems as if God is not being fair. We are overwhelmed by grief. In Britt's sermon he address these questions, and I hope you really take time to listen to the video.

Pastor Jim talked about our intuition this past Sunday. We assume that our intuition about things is correct. So, if our intuition tells us that children should not suffer and warrior for Christ should have a long life, then maybe there really is not a God who loves us because He is allowing these things to happen. How often has your intuition been right? How often has it been wrong? I don't think we can completely trust our intuition, especially if there is proof the says our intuition is wrong.

The proof in this case is the Word of God. When you dig into the Word of God, you understand the characteristics of God. He is slow to anger, He is full of Mercy, He loves us and is our creator. He is not a super being that throws down pain just to entertain himself. He always has a purpose, though we often don't see it at first. There are promises in the Bible, not just statements or half truths. The big promise that comes to mind in my two examples is the most powerful verse in the Bible for the believers out there.

All things work for the good for those WHO ARE CALLED according to HIS PURPOSE.
Romans 8:28

If you trust in Christ, then you are called to do what is according to His purpose. That is not always fun or easy. It hurts. But, His ways are always, always, always the best way. If you are struggling with this and have a big hurt inside, I understand. But, let Jesus do the driving. Trust Him one minute, hour, day at a time. He will be faithful and reveal his path for you. Be open to what is different. Not your own intuition. God does the unexpected.

I will say again, give yourself a gift by watching this 30 minute video and praying for Daisy. Britt says is better than me. When your soul is overwhelmed, God will take those broken pieces and do miracles.

Blessings Always,