Monday, May 3, 2010

Rising Above Your Circumstances

This past weekend, I enjoyed getting away to Glenkirk Women's Refresh. It is an annual retreat in San Diego, and a time to get renewed and refilled. The speaker this year was Judy Hampton. She has written several books, and has been featured on Focus on the Family. One of her books is called, "Living Above the Circumstances," and she spoke about this topic during the weekend.

Judy spoke of times in her life when things went wrong, and she did not respond well to the adversity. Often, when life turns sour, we blame others, and we lash out and take control ourselves of the situation. We like to blame others ,or God, and we want a quick fix so we can move on with our life in comfort. Worst of all, we worry, and worry is a sin. God wants to be our provider. He wants us to surrender our life to Him because He knows what we need better than we know ourselves.

The problem most people have is that they don't really know the characteristics of God, so it is hard to trust Him. Your really can't trust someone you don't know. Psalms 40:4 says, "blessed is he who trusts the Lord." It is amazing that the Bible is filled with verses that say not to be worried or anxious, and yet we do those very things when we are faced with adversity.

The way you rise above your circumstance is to give God complete control and be in prayer and scripture for answers. We are often too busy for this, or we really don't want to be fixed. God might be calling you to make big changes in your life or attitude, and you really don't want to go that far.

I love Matthew 6:33,34 that says, "Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be given to you. Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow..." When we are seeking God's will for our lives, then we can have assurance that he knows what is best, and will give us just what we need.

I hope you can have the courage to seek God's will and make the changes necessary to walk in His light and peace. I can vouch for this response, because with each diagnosis and trial, I have found the most beautiful blessings and peace because of the assurance that I know my God and He wants the very best for me.

God Bless,