Sunday, April 11, 2010

True Beauty

Hello Friends!

We are back from a fabulous vacation in our motor home to San Francisco! The weather was spectacular! No fog and clear blue skies! We did all of the tourist stops with our friends (the Fees), and ate way too much with the thought that we would walk it off going up Lombard Street. Not only did we have a great trip, but we had a glorious Easter with family and friends!

I have a funny story to tell. The week before Easter, I got a call on Monday morning from Lori, my good friend (and neighbor). She has a friend that had four tickets to see "Dancing with the Stars!" They had an extra ticket, and since I am a fan, I was invited along. Immediately, my vanity kicked in, and I was consumed with what to wear, nails needed to be painted, and (above all else) I HAD to get some eyelashes put on. It has been great not to have to shave my legs every day and mess with my hair, but I truly miss my eyelashes! So I went to the store, purchased them, and Lori came over to help me put them on. I spent five hours getting ready! I kept messing up my nails and ended up with five coats trying to make them look good. My good wig was dirty, and I thought my long wig would be more fancy. I ironed my black dress. I got out my favorite shoes (that kill my feet after one hour of being in them), and squeezed into a girdle to make my stomach look flat! My excitement in seeing the stars was off the charts! I guess I thought they might take a look at me and want me to dance, because I was ready for my moment on camera!

Lori's friend, Angie, had purchased these tickets at a silent auctions for pediatric cancer, and the tickets were golden. We got ushered to the front of the line and out comes Melissa Rycroft!! She had a microphone and a camera man with her, and she interviewed us! By that time, I am starting to feel totally out of my element and self-conscious. Melissa is perfect! Perfect white teeth, gorgeous skin, beautiful REAL hair. She is talking to me! She asked us each where we live, and then went one by one to see who we were excited to see. Each of my friends had an eloquent reply, when they got to me I forgot all the names! I remember thinking I would say Buzz, but then I went blank. Hince, when the interview was aired, everyone looked great, and all you could see was my glittery shoulder! They cut me out! LOL!!! (that is laugh out loud for those who text).

Our seats were two rows behind the bachelors fiance, and directly across from the judges table.
It was awesome! Every time Carie Ann gave her judge's score, she was looking right at me! For those who are fans, I have to tell you that the dance floor is smaller than you think, and the costumes are gorgeous.

About half way through the first hour, I saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye, and off popped my eyelash. What do you do when you only have one eyelash on? Pull the other one off! So now I have ugly eyes, wig hair, and sore feet! When the show was over we were allowed to mingle with the stars, and I felt very self-conscious gawking at Cheryl Burke (I did it anyway).

It was a fun evening, but I learned a lesson I should have already known. Just be yourself! I should have gone with my 20 minute face routine and left my nails clear. Beauty comes in many forms. I may not be as beautiful as some of the girls dancing that night, but I feel God's beauty within.

As equally delicious as seeing the stars up close, is the dinner we had later. There were four of us, and we talked about faith, prayer, and hope. I was surrounded by beautiful and strong women who could outshine the stars anyday. I could finally relax and be myself with them.

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30

I hope you have a good week and stay true to yourself and your values. Remember, God looks to the inside, not the outside. Next time, I will remember my own advise!
